Saturday, September 28, 2013

The Disney Vault

After multiple conversations in class, I grew curious as to what the "Disney Vault" was. Although last class we talked about it, I wanted to know more. I recently read the article linked at the bottom of this post, and it made me wonder. The article talks about how the Vault is a "marketing promotion" used by Disney.  It shocks me hearing that people paid up to $100 for movies they thought they would never have a chance to buy again. One hundred dollars is a lot of money today to spend on a movie, imagine what it was like thirty years ago. How much is a movie truly worth? Is there that much extra footage that we NEED to buy this movie that we probably already have or can buy online for $5? The Disney Vault has created a new image for Disney movies.

And although it may have been extremely successful in the past, what about today? The Vault is starting to stop being as effective as it was in the past. So, what does Disney have up their sleeve next? Will they be able to put another twist on marketing? And most importantly, will it work?

The Disney Vault

Monday, September 9, 2013

My most recent connection to Disney..

Senior year I was able to experience a trip of a lifetime.. literally. I thought it was typical for every high school student to experience a 'senior trip' to Disney World. Coming to Duke, I have realized I was wrong. I've only heard of a few similar stories. If you didn't get to experience one of your own, I'll share with you a bit of mine...

It started with a 3am alarm on May 27th, 2013. I was to arrive at my school by 4 am to process/check baggage. It didn't matter if I was running on an hour of sleep.. I was going to Disney World with my entire graduating class! Exciting much?! I was as giddy as a child on the night before Christmas. Six hours later and I was finally in the happiest place in the world. No stops at the hotel. No time to change.

We had complete freedom (besides a curfew). Day to day we could go to the parks we wanted for as long as we wanted with hopper passes. It barely rained and it was, of course, magical. The trip even included a trip to Universal for the day (sorry this isn't all Disney). One of my fondest memories was a mile sprint back to the bus as my group of 9 almost missed the bus from Universal to dinner. Teachers were calling us and students were waiting on the bus, but we had just made it into the new Despicable Me ride. There was no way we were getting out of line after an hour wait. So, we took the risk and even after minutes of heavy breathing and a round of applause as we walked onto the bus, I wouldn't take it back for anything.

Nights were even more amazing. Whether all 300+ of us congregating in Disney All Star Sports Resort's pool or watching the spectacular fireworks/ nighttime show in Magic Kingdom, there wasn't a dull moment. I am now able to connect each park to a different memory and find a smile cross my face. I will NEVER forget the memories of this trip with people I've spent 18 years of my life knowing.

Here are a few pictures of the trip! When I get my class photo at the Resort downloaded, I'll be sure to upload that too!
Blizzard Beach!

Magic Kingdom!
