Saturday, September 28, 2013

The Disney Vault

After multiple conversations in class, I grew curious as to what the "Disney Vault" was. Although last class we talked about it, I wanted to know more. I recently read the article linked at the bottom of this post, and it made me wonder. The article talks about how the Vault is a "marketing promotion" used by Disney.  It shocks me hearing that people paid up to $100 for movies they thought they would never have a chance to buy again. One hundred dollars is a lot of money today to spend on a movie, imagine what it was like thirty years ago. How much is a movie truly worth? Is there that much extra footage that we NEED to buy this movie that we probably already have or can buy online for $5? The Disney Vault has created a new image for Disney movies.

And although it may have been extremely successful in the past, what about today? The Vault is starting to stop being as effective as it was in the past. So, what does Disney have up their sleeve next? Will they be able to put another twist on marketing? And most importantly, will it work?

The Disney Vault

1 comment:

  1. I did not know about this "Disney vault" until someone mentioned it in class! I found the idea of it very creative, smart, and lucrative. Disney did a great job with this "vault" because it forces buyers to buy these Disney films. Since it is only out for a limited time, people will feel obligated to buy it right away. Obviously very smart of Disney, but as you left off, I do not know how long Disney could continue with this.

    Personally I watch movies online. I can't remember the last time I actually bought a DVD, let alone anyone I know (this might explain Blockbusters going out of business). With changing technology, who is going to want to buy a Disney DVD when they can immediately watch it online?

    My only possible answer to this would be the idea of originality, rareness. Once physical copies of Disney movies become so rare, the prices of them will skyrocket. It is interesting to see what happens!
