Sunday, October 20, 2013

Saving Other Women from Other Men

Our last article by Erin Addison was very interesting. It brought up a lot of points in Aladdin that I never noticed before. Overall, I enjoyed the article because it made me realize how influential American culture is..even across the world. It made me realize how just like success, "freedom" is defined very differently to everyone, not just for Aladdin and Jasmine.

There were two parts of the article I found most interesting. I questioned where Addison says Jasmine “is too ‘assertive’ for Arab men, who are confused or annoyed by her.”  Where in the movie is there support for this? It seems that Jasmine is the one who is picky and having problems with the men, not the other way around. After all, she is the princess and I’m sure any man would deal with her assertiveness if it gave them power. Lastly, I found it interesting where Addison says “it is her beauty—not her brains—which propels the love affair.” How is this true? Jasmine does a few smart things, such as hop over the wall, which impresses Aladdin. Just because she didn’t notice Aladdin disguised as a prince doesn’t mean she is dumb. She never had a chance to meet people so how is she supposed to know he is a street boy? I disagree with this statement because I don’t think it is her mere beauty that captures Aladdin’s attention.

"Whereas romance is a means to other ends for Aladdin, for Jasmine 'freedom' is romance."

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