Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The "New" Man

     I really enjoyed reading out current article, "Post-Princess Models of Gender: The New Man in Disney/Pixar." I especially enjoyed the main parts of the article proving the male characters to have more feminine aspects about them today than they have in the past. It made me think about the men in my life now as I compared them to the typical man back in the 20th century. I've come to the conclusion that this article (to me) is spot on. Men aren't the same as they were back then. They are still considered (somewhat) the "alpha" but much more vulnerable and dependent on women. If you think about it, they were always dependent in some ways. Before they mainly relied on women to do the cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the family whereas now they rely on women for more than that.
     Looking at figures such as my father, brother, and even my boyfriend, I can see exactly what Gillam is talking about. However, I don't see it as much in my father as in the latter two. This shows the transformation of men and their behaviors that Gillam is talking about. My brother is a sweetheart and would do anything for his family. He gets hurt and let down and although he tries not to show it, you can see the parts of him that are hurt unlike my father who is especially good at having the same emotion no matter what. Also, I can see it in my boyfriend. Some things he shares with me that bother him really shock me because it always seemed like some things only bothered girls and guys could care less. I am starting to see this isn't always true. On the other hand, you can never hurt my father's feelings. Maybe he just has a good personality and mindset about things like that. Or maybe, it is because he is from a different generation. The men today definitely show more "feminine aspects" than the men of previous generations. So, it only makes sense that the male Disney characters transform with the generations they are born with.

Gillam's Article

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