Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Masks of Mickey

Going back and reading "Masks of Mickey" got me thinking.. why is Mickey the 'cover' of Disney? Although we focus on the princesses a lot, in my personal experiences whenever I think of Disney, I think Mickey and Minnie. People aren't as "crazed" now as they were before because these characters aren't new anymore. Still, they are the real stars behind it all.

But why hasn't Disney done anything to change these stars? In Brockways article, he talks about how Mickey started as a real mouse and transformed, and even matured in animated personality, over the years until he found success. In a way, he grew as the generation did. But, why hasn't there been a "renovation" Mickey and.. will there ever be? Will there be another "mask" of Mickey? It's something to think about. As the generations continue, Mickey gets lost in the past. Unlike Brockway says, he is subtlety still here in shows like Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. "I'm waiting on that breakthrough moment when Mickey shines again. As I said already, he is the true star. And like Brockway puts it, "Future generations will encounter him again." (33)

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